5 recipes to make using gin

Did you know that there is an international day to celebrate the iconic duo of gin & tonic? Well, it’s coming up: October 19th is the day for it. But just how did G&Ts become one of the most beloved drinks in modern mixology?

A shot of G&T history

Believe it or not, this classic drink actually started as a medicinal prescription. In the 1700s, a Scottish doctor discovered that quinine, the active ingredient in tonic that gives its bitter taste, could treat malaria (or rather, ward off mosquitoes). Fast forward a century and the British army that were stationed in India drank it to get their daily dose of quinine. As Winston Churchill once said: “the gin and tonic drink has saved more Englishmen’s lives, and minds, than all the doctors in the Empire”. Whether it’s from the tonic or the gin we’ll leave that up to your judgement… but hey, sounds like a pretty good reason to endorse it don’t you think? It’s a win-win solution (get it?)!

Nonetheless, G&Ts have become a quintessential mixer at any modern day bars, with entire menus dedicated to the drink’s infinite possibilities. But we’re not here today to give you cocktail recipes. Rather, we’re mixing it up by giving you 5 recipes to make using gin that does not include drinking it. 

Here are 5 gin-tastic recipes to make:

Blueberry gin and tonic cheesecake

If you are a lover of cheesecakes like us, here is a twist on the decadent dessert. With subtle hints of florals and botanicals, here's a “grown-up” version to a classic cheesecake recipe.

Gin & tonic cake

Alright, so we did say we were not going to share any cocktail recipes. But we couldn't resist to share the classic mixer IN a cake.

Gin-gingered spot prawns

Going down the savoury lane, why not use gin as a vessel to spice up your sauce? It adds a layer of aromas you didn't know you need.

Gin penne pasta

We have all heard of pasta alla vodka, but have you ever tried replacing the vodka with gin? Here's another twist to a classic that provides more herbal undertones to your palette.

Gin popcorn

Wait, what? We also were a bit bamboozled when we came across this recipe. But here's an elevated snack that can be served at your next event, or even next movie night.

Karen B.

Passionate about conservation, Karen had spent the past 5 and a half years living in the South African bush. After dedicating her time in research and education in the sustainable tourism field, Karen wishes to apply her knowledge into new ventures.


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